Essential items

The page lists essential items to bring on a trip, including cash, credit cards, personal and travel documents, keys, toiletries, medicines, useful items (e.g. water bottle, flashlight), technology (camera, laptop), and other extras (games, eye masks). The list is detailed to ensure that nothing is forgotten and to ensure a safe and comfortable trip.

Preparing for a trip requires attention and care, especially when it comes to selecting the essential items to bring along. Regardless of the destination, there are some items that cannot be missing from your suitcase to ensure a safe and comfortable journey.

Below you can find a list of essential items, so we can help you not to forget anything… and remember to also check our other pages related to what to pack and what to do before leaving.

Cash and Accessories:

  • Credit and debit cards with PIN and numbers to block them

  • Cash in local and foreign currency

  • Money belt to wear under clothes or belt with internal compartments for large sums

  • Wallet with many compartments

  • Loyalty cards (airlines, hotels, car rentals, etc.)

  • Checks

  • Online banking codes

Personal Documents:

  • Valid ID card

  • Updated passport with necessary visas

  • Travel document for minors under 15

  • International driving license if needed

  • Important health information, valid health card abroad

  • Vaccination certificates

  • Health insurance policies and emergency contacts

  • Company badge and business cards

  • Copies of personal documents

Travel Documents:

  • Travel tickets

  • Hotel bookings and vouchers

  • Car documents

  • Travel itinerary

  • Maps and travel guides


  • House and car keys with spare copies

Useful Information:

  • Addresses and useful contacts

  • PINs and card blocking numbers

  • Passwords for various accounts

  • Address book with addresses and emails

Personal Hygiene:

  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, mouthwash

  • Soap, shampoo, conditioner, towel, hairdryer, comb or brush

  • Deodorant / perfume

  • Sunscreen and after-sun lotion

  • Lip balm

  • Hair gel

  • Cotton swabs

  • Makeup remover

  • Foundation

  • Blush

  • Eyeshadows

  • Mascara

  • Eyeliner

  • Lipstick/lip gloss

  • Eye pencil

  • Wipes

  • Cleansing milk

  • Bullet

  • Eye makeup remover

  • Toner

  • Cotton pads

  • Face cream

  • Body cream

  • Hair removal supplies (choice of Silkepil, cream, razor…)

  • Tweezers

  • Razor

  • Shaving foam

  • Aftershave

  • Sanitary pads

  • Tissues

  • Toilet seat covers


  • First aid kit

  • Thermometer

  • Band-aids

  • Disinfectants

  • Antipyretics

  • Painkillers

  • Tranquilizers

  • Medicine for travel sickness, anti-nausea, or intestines

  • Antihistamines and insect repellents

  • Contraceptives

  • Medicine for any personal conditions

Other Useful Items:

  • Light shirts

  • Scarves

  • Snacks

  • Water bottle

  • Cell phone, charger, earphones

  • Multifunction wristwatch

  • Pen and notebook

  • Pocket dictionary

  • Swiss army knife

  • Flashlight

  • Umbrella

  • Sunglasses and eyeglasses with cases

  • Sewing kit

  • Backpack

  • Lighter

  • Multi-standard electric plug

  • Laundry bag


  • Digital camera with accessories

  • Video camera and accessories

  • Notebook with accessories

  • Multi-standard plugs

  • MP3 player and earphones

  • USB key with encrypted files


  • Spare batteries, various games

  • Passport photos

  • Business cards

  • Plastic bags

  • Travel detergent

  • Cord and clothespins

  • Hobby accessories

  • Luggage strap

  • Copy of travel lists

  • Some portable games for entertainment

  • Inflatable headrest

  • Eye masks

For updated travel information, click here.

To read more of our articles, click here.


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